The Family of two girls that died in tragic accident this Sunday says: „They have always been so lively, happy and full of energy”. Magda Hyz, the football lover and a school girl Natalia Gabińska met not long time ago and became friends on the spot. Both of them came to Iceland to vist their families. Magda came to her aunt and uncle, and that was the first time she was visiting Iceland. She definietly liked the place. Natalia visited her mum, who lives here.
Girls died in accident and left their families in horrible sorrow.
Their home country is Poland, so they will be burried there. But it needs a lot of money to bring their ashes to Poland. The cost is 1 200 000 ISK for each, so this is why families ask for Your help.
We founded special account. Any money donated, will be given to families.
Landsbankinn – 0130 05 061895, numer kennitala 200579 4029. For international transfers IBAN IS03 0130 0506 1895 2005 7940 29 ; SWIFT NBIIISRE.
Bereaved families will be grateful for any help You can give.